Anti Tremor
Discreet bracelet designed for people with Parkinson’s tremor
Buy your ATD here
If ATD doesn’t work for you, you can return it within 14 days and get you money back except shipping cost. it works for 75%.
The ATD counteracts Parkinson’s tremor as well as essential tremor (tremor). It is designed to look like a wrist watch and should sit on the wrist. The ATD itself is black and the strap is d black. The ATD works by vibrating in different patterns. The vibrations cause the body to send signals to the brain which counteract the tremor. The ATD comes with 7 default settings.

What can ATD help with?
ATD, which stands for Anti Tremor Device, is developed for patients with Parkinson’s disease. But it can also reduce the tremor of people who suffer from essential tremors. Whether it simply reduces or completely stops the tremor is individual – but for the vast majority of people, the ATD has an incredibly positive effect and provides a significant boost in quality of life. For this, it is the only product on the market that can reduce or stop tremor – without any medication or surgery.
The Parkinson's Association
Every year, 800 people in Denmark are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and in Denmark a total of approx. 7,300 affected by the disease.
As a member of the Parkinson’s Association, you can avail of the association’s many offers of advice, support, networking and information about the disease. At the same time you support the important work of the association and can participate in the events in your local circle or in the national association.
Read more about the Parkinson’s Association
The man behind ATD is Engineer Finn Rasmussen. He has Parkinson himself, and of course supports the Parkinson’s Association.
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